The Firm
Camillo Vespasiani and Yago Caretti Giangaspro began collaborating in 2016, sharing their professional activities and workspace from the start. Thanks to the use of IT tools, they quickly found a personal and professional balance, which their clients appreciated for the professional seriousness and calm approach to the issues presented.
In September 2019, Camillo and Yago decided to establish 2legal, just a few months before the COVID-19 pandemic confined everyone at home, forcing them to manage life and work remotely. This negative event quickly confirmed that their work approach was correct, turning into a great professional opportunity. Despite everything, 2legal’s clients did not suffer from the difficulties of the moment, constantly relying on their consultants and professional efficiency at any time.
After the pandemic crisis, 2legal continued to maximize the push towards the use of technology, implementing as much as possible the technology they rely on. Today, 2legal has 4 members at its Rome office, collaborates on specific cases and/or areas of law with other lawyers, and has adopted simple but clear conduct rules.
We are people with aspirations, passions, families, and hobbies. Then we are also lawyers. We organize our time according to our priorities, and others respect that. We are a group. We believe that the diversity and variety of individuals help to address every issue in the best possible way. Everyone can rely on others for advice, opinions, or help.
We are all practicing lawyers. We like to challenge ourselves with new issues, study for each request, and do not take any answer for granted. We care about our professional growth by reading, deepening our knowledge, and participating in training courses.
Our clients are people with concerns and expectations. We take care of some aspects of their lives, and for this, we are honest, sincere, and transparent in our work and in informing them of what is happening. We believe that being polite and respectful is part of our job. We seek the most effective solution for our client together with them and strive to always explore a transactional solution if possible, dialoguing with the opposing colleague.
Passion and satisfaction are central to our work, as is creating a serene and pleasant environment. Everyone should find their space in 2legal positively and proactively. We believe that collaboration among us and with our clients is a source of personal enrichment, and we appreciate a bit of healthy humor in personal relationships. It is a pleasure when our clients and the people around us positively comment on our group because it shows that our spirit is valuable to them as well.
We use available technology to work better, combine different personal needs, and limit environmental impact. We prefer digital documents to paper ones and archive them in an organized and easily accessible way.
We are organized and efficient. We respond to emails within a few working days and return calls possibly within the same day; we strive to meet the standards agreed with the client and among colleagues. We commit to being precise, attentive, and punctual in carrying out the assigned task, aware that it will benefit the client and colleagues.
We are part of a community and live in a world to which it is right to give back a part of what we receive. For this reason, we also accept pro bono assistance and dedicate time, money, and/or work to assist those in need.
2legal is a member of Legal Netlink Allinace (LNA), an international network of law firms, and of Open Professionals, thanks to which it can expand its capacity to assist clients in areas related to its own professional expertise.

Born in the Marche region, adopted by Rome and Spain. He studied at the University of Rome “Roma Tre”, winning a one-year Erasmus scholarship at the Université René Descartes – Paris V – in Paris. After graduating, he furthered his studies in Intellectual Property Law at Case Western University in Cleveland in partnership with the Luigi Bocconi Commercial University and in Privacy Law at Luiss Business School. He assists numerous companies in Corporate Law and in drafting and reviewing Italian and International Commercial Contracts. He also handles aspects related to Software Copyright Law for companies in the IT sector.
He speaks Italian, English, Spanish, and French.

A Spanish lawyer with Argentine roots, he graduated in law from the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid. In 2016, he obtained a Master’s degree in Human Rights from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) with a thesis on the interception of oral conversations and the right to privacy. He has practiced law in Spain, assisting in numerous criminal litigations and defending human rights before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), also participating in internationally significant trials.
After moving to Rome, he qualified as a lawyer with the Rome Bar Association. Currently, he provides legal assistance to private individuals and companies, both Italian and international, with extensive experience in civil matters. He also serves as a Privacy Officer for several companies and is the head of the Spanish Desk of the firm, providing personalized legal advice and support to numerous Spanish-speaking clients for their legal needs.
He speaks Italian, Spanish, and English.

Enrolled at the University of Bologna, in her fifth year she won the call for admission to the LLM at King’s College London, allowing her to obtain not only the Italian degree in 2022 but also a master’s degree in International Dispute Resolution in the same year. After her English experience, in December 2022 she decided to move to Rome to undertake her legal practice at the 2legal law firm. She speaks Italian and English.

Graduated from the University of Rome “Roma Tre”, she deepened her knowledge of English and French also thanks to two Erasmus experiences in England and France. She joined the firm as a trainee in May 2024, completing her degree with a thesis on “Private autonomy and end-of-life choices: from the regulatory vacuum to Law no. 219/2017”, obtaining the highest marks.
She speaks Italian, English and French.

Via Gaspare Spontini 22 (interior 1)
00198 Roma
Ph. 06 6893321 (whatsapp)
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